Good morning Ladies!!! I pray your Resurrection Sunday was enjoyable 🤗
If you haven't already, let's start reading Chapter 1 - His Character, His Presence, His Language.
Answer these questions?
What's been your personal experience of the character of God? Has it felt like a "grandmother's love"? Why or why not?
What helps you get into His presence?
Do you hear the voice of God? How does He speak to you? Do you need more help in this area?
Let's discuss in the comments. What are some other questions that come up for you?
My experience with this character of God is that He is immutable; He does not change, ALWAYS the same. My grandmother, like most grandmothers, never changed towards her grandchildren; she always loved us. My grandmother was one that wanted her children and grandchildren to know the word of God! She was always reading the word, out loud!!
The thing that helps me to get in God’s presence is worship! Worshipping who He is, telling Him who He is to me! You are my strength, strength like no other! Peace like no other , Hope like no other! You are my keeper…..
I hear the voice of God in several ways; sometimes it’s through His word related to something I’m going through or praying about and then He may confirm it through a conversation I’m having with someone. It may be through a preached word and it agrees with my spirit!